Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cause there's not a worse way to fly...

...then sitting coach, directly next to the plane's engine (see background). It's not like you got a window seat anyway. Yeah right, no way, never... they messed up your reservation and now your stuck between Monique and Roseanne Barr (figuratively speaking of course). Dinner comes and you get the gefilte fish, since the idiot at check-in marked you down for the kosher meal (and, no, there are no extras of any other meal). Oh, and the on-flight movie is Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

No, this is not hell.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the inspiration behind my blog, Peevious. defines "peevous" as:

minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it.
 peevous is showing: poor table manners, sloppy kitchen hygiene, smoking, grammatical errors in written passages, inconsiderate driving or lazy co-workers.

Obviously the dummy that invented that word didn't know that you have to add an "i" to the suffix -ous when the word is of Latin origin (I know what a dummy!) 

So I added the "i" and birthed this site where I will discuss annoyances (whether minor or major, common or unusual)  that occur week to week. 

I will encourage my followers (yes, that's you) to add rants. We all have at least 6-7 times per day where we are dumbfounded by the stupidity of people. Share your most peeved moment with me and at the end of the week (assuming enough people share) I will name an MVP (most viciously peeved). So share and you will be famous (at least to the crew at U of MD's Comm498A class)
One extra wrinkle: Every week I will name a Jabronie of the Week. This unfortunate soul will have done something incredibly stupid recently (Hosni Mubarak style) and I will do my best to humiliate him/her miserably. Don't worry famous people only (including people made famous by the media... see man with the golden voice).

Just in case you don't know what gelfite fish are:

... now imagine the airplane version.


  1. My biggest annoyance has to be when people tell me I am being brainwashed by the liberal media and to watch Glenn Beck for the truth. I get it at least once a day.

  2. I can't stand hearing other people cough. I'm sure no one actually enjoys hearing other people cough, but I feel like it annoys me a lot more than the average person. The guy on the elliptical next to me at the gym on Friday kept coughing and I wanted to punch him in the throat.

  3. Driving down the road in my '95 Geo Metro Hatchback (3 cylinders), in the left hand lane due to an upcoming turn. Country bumpkin in his daddy's pickup truck is literally on top of me, due to me only able to go 35mph on any incline above 10degrees.

    He proceeds to honk his horn then pass me, giving me the finger of course.

    Come on, who expects a Geo to go above 30mph anyway?

    And yes, I am well aware that, by definition, I was being peevous to said cousin kisser himself.
